Country Day School

I still have so much to learn about the school, but this is what I have learned so far from the prep meetings at Kennesaw State and doing research online.

Country Day School is a private International School in Escazu, Costa Rica (about 7km from the capitol, San Jose). The school hosts students from Pre-k all the way to 12th grade. All of the classes are taught in English.

This is the school's website: Country Day School
It really is a phenominal way to get to know what the school is like. They have clearly described the vision of each department and given a feel for the community of the school.

The elementary department also keeps a blog for parents: CDS Elementary Blog
This site has pictures of the day-to-day activites.

This is a great slideshow that allows you to see the students and the campus: CDS Elementary
When I looked through this for the first time, I got SOOOO excited. I can not wait to meet these kids!


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